So, every new year I take some time to look back on the reading I did in the year gone by. Reading is one of those weird things for me: it's a hobby, on the one hand, and I do it for pleasure, but at the same time, it's a crucial piece of staying sharp for ministry. It's sort of like a "wobby" for me; or "hork" (get it, hobby + work?). In the past I usually try to trim my readings from the year down to a top ten list of some sort or other, but this year, for the fun and the challenge of it, I thought I'd haiku (yes, haiku) my way through all the books I read in 2014.
A message so wise
on the lost arts pastoral
came when most needed.

A trip to the place
where Truth and Beauty's disguised
as science fiction.

Humble reminder:
that ministry's not the same
as false relevance.

A paradise won
in fantastical places
with everyday love.
Peering down the well
of addiction and seeing
My face staring back.

One pond'rous prologue
to a man I thought I knew
and can't wait to meet.

I'll help you write songs
said the man with the guitar
and oh, how he did.

Its not as simple
or as complicated as
we think. There's the rub.
Jennell Williams Paris, The End of Sexual Identity: Why Sex is too Important to Define who we are
or as complicated as
we think. There's the rub.

Could it really be,
that identity in Christ
isn't gay or straight?

A view of the cross
from an angle so ancient
it sort of sounds new.

A better cover
than a book; but then again,
who am I to judge?
stalactites in the heart's cave,
till awe leads us out.
C. S. Lewis, Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life
till awe leads us out.

One man's life story:
haunted by joy and yearning.
It aches in us all.

If God's not in it,
and it's not done on our knees,
it isn't good news.

Young Adult chick-lit
but the poems led me on.
A man of forty.

You make it sound
so easy and compelling.
Now for the hard part.

Opened it as an
emotional teenager
wanting to grow up.

"Sabbath for the man"
is how the Master said it.
Now I think I see.

Prayers and poetry
can turn the world on its head.
This one had them both.

The life of the soul?
Perhaps: I closed the book with
no clue what it meant.
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