One of our New Year traditions here at terra incognita is to look back in January on the reading done in the year gone by. Usually I try to find a creative way of framing the list-- top tens, book award categories, last year I hiaku'ed my way through the list. This year I thought I'd try to "click-bait" my way through the list-- that is, come up with one of those silly and embarrassingly effective "click-bait" leaders you sometimes see on internet ads, as a way of introducing each one. So, for everyone out there wondering what Pastor Dale read in 2015, here goes:
I wanted to write a click-bait teaser for this, but when I tried, it's raw honesty, gentle transparency and unlooked-for wisdom left me humbled and silent...

This theologian tries to show how the theory of relativity illuminates the doctrine of the Resurrection and vice-versa, and by the time he got to the meaning of the ascension, I was left in awe ...

His "The Anagram" left me blushing, his "Sappho to Philaenis" left me speechless, and his "Corona" left me in a holy hush ...
This classic defense of the substitutiary atonement was what I needed when I most needed it; he had me by chapter 2 ...
5. The Brothers Karamazov, Fyodor Dostoyevsky.
This one was tough slugging, but when it got to Book VIII, I just couldn't put it down ...
6. 15 Characteristics of Effective Pastors.
I couldn't believe Characteristic Number 8!
7. Waking the Dead: The Glory of a Heart Fully Alive, John Eldridge.
Mostly pretty fluffly stuff, but his talk about being afraid of the light at least inspired a song for me.
8. The Bostonians, Henry James.
Most. Painful. Read. Ever.
9. Building a Discipleship Culture, Mike Breen.
Offers the different "shapes" of discipleship. When it got to shape 6, I was all like: whaaaat?
10. The Screwtape Letters, C. S. Lewis.
Letter number 18 was thought-provoking, but letter number 31 was awesome!
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