Colossians 2:11-14: Baptised Body, Circumcised Heart

As we prepare our hearts to witness the baptism of these believers, I’d like to invite you to reflect on your own baptism, and what it meant for you to receive this sign of your union with Christ.
See: our God is the covenanting God.
He promised Noah never to flood the earth again—and gave the promise-sign of the rainbow. He promised Abraham to make his people into a blessing for the whole earth—and gave the promise-sign of circumcision. He promised Moses to deliver his people—and gave the promise-sign of Passover.
But in Jesus he promised to fulfill all these promises, and more.
And he gave us the promise-sign of baptism.
Because water baptism is a sign that declares to the world that we belong to this Jesus, and that through our faith in this Jesus, we know are included in all God’s promises to save, and renew and deliver.
Baptized followers of Jesus: that’s what you received when you received the sign of water baptism.
You were buried in waters and raised up again, to show that through faith in Jesus, you are united with Him in his death and resurrection.
You were soaked in water to show that your heart is drenched with his Holy Spirit, who cleanses you from sin and pours new life over you.
You were marked with water to show that you are included in His sacred family, and you have been received as one of His own.
You stepped obediently into the waters of baptism to show that by faith in Jesus, you want to follow him in full obedience all your life.
Death of the Old Life. Birth of the New. Hope for eternity. Cleansing from sin. Filling with the Spirit. Belonging. A path now for the journey.
This is what we have in Jesus. And our baptism reminds us of all these things.
I’m going to invite all those who have received the sign of water baptism to stand now with these candidates. Let’s take a moment together to pause and remember the day of our own baptism, and be thankful.
You stepped obediently into the waters of baptism to show that by faith in Jesus, you want to follow him in full obedience all your life.
Death of the Old Life. Birth of the New. Hope for eternity. Cleansing from sin. Filling with the Spirit. Belonging. A path now for the journey.
This is what we have in Jesus. And our baptism reminds us of all these things.
I’m going to invite all those who have received the sign of water baptism to stand now with these candidates. Let’s take a moment together to pause and remember the day of our own baptism, and be thankful.
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