Last week we lit this candle to remind us to be amazed
At the glorious announcement of God’s love for the world
That he made to us in the birth of his son.
[light 1st Candle]
But Advent is not only a time of amazing announcements
It’s also a time of amazing … acceptance.
What a strange thing to be amazed at!
Says the skeptic in the crowd; but even so, think it through:
When the angel announced to the Virgin that she would conceive,
Even though it meant scandal and shame
To bear a child out of wedlock
Not to mention the absolute terror
Of bearing in her body
the fetal Son of God
She accepted her role—isn’t it amazing?—and answered in reply:
I am the Lord’s Servant, may it be to me as you have said.
The same is true of Joseph, when he learned that his fiancé
Would bear a child that wasn’t his.
Despite the disgrace that fell on him
He humbly accepted his place in the plan,
As Matthew’s Gospel puts it:
He did what the angel commanded
And took Mary home as his wife.
Isn’t it amazing?
But it is perhaps more amazing that we can fathom,
Because we celebrate an even greater acceptance
Than theirs this Advent season.
Because when the Triune God looked down
On a world weary with sin and blinded with darkness,
And knew that the only way to save it
Was to offer up God’s own very own life for its redemption,
The Son of God—even though he was
Equal to the Father in every way—
Did not consider his equality with God
As a thing to be used for his personal gain
Rather he accepted his place in the Father’s plan
And came to earth to die.
As the Scriptures say
He made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant
Being made in human likeness
And being found in appearance as a man!
Isn’t it amazing?
[light second candle]
And so we light this second candle of Advent to challenge us
To be like him in this:
to accept from the Father’s Hand
Whatever he has in mind
And whatever he wants do
To use us in his plan to show the world his love.
What's So Amazing About Advent, an Advent Wreath Liturgy: Week 2
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