Books by Dale Harris

Books by Dale Harris
A Feast of Epiphanies

Though I Walk, A Novel

Daytime Moons and Other Celestial Anomalies, a book of poems

Second Wind

Second Wind
An album of songs both old and new. Recorded in 2021, a year of major transition for me, these songs explore the many vicissitudes of the spiritual life,. It's about the mountaintop moments and the Holy Saturday sunrises, the doors He opens that no one can close, and those doors He's closed that will never open again. You can click the image above to give it a listen.

The Song Became a Child

The Song Became a Child
A collection of Christmas songs I wrote and recorded during the early days of the pandemic lockdown in the spring of 2020. Click the image to listen.

There's a Trick of the Light I'm Learning to Do

This is a collection of songs I wrote and recorded in January - March, 2020 while on sabbatical from ministry. They each deal with a different aspect or expression of the Gospel. Click on the image above to listen.

Three Hands Clapping

This is my latest recording project (released May 27, 2019). It is a double album of 22 songs, which very roughly track the story of my life... a sort of musical autobiography, so to speak. Click the album image to listen.

Ghost Notes

Ghost Notes
A collections of original songs I wrote in 2015, and recorded with the FreeWay Musical Collective. Click the album image to listen.


Recorded in 2014, these songs are sort of a chronicle of my journey through a pastoral burn-out last winter. They deal with themes of mental-health, spiritual burn-out and depression, but also with the inexorable presence of God in the midst of darkness. Click the album art to download.


click image to download
"soundings" is a collection of songs I recorded in September/October of 2013. Dealing with themes of hope, ache, trust and spiritual loss, the songs on this album express various facets of my journey with God.


Click to download.
"Bridges" is a collection of original songs I wrote in the summer of 2011, during a soul-searching trip I took out to Alberta; a sort of long twilight in the dark night of the soul. I share it here in hopes these musical reflections on my own spiritual journey might be an encouragement to others: the sun does rise, blood-red but beautiful.


Prayers, poems and songs (2005-2009). Click to download
"echoes" is a collection of songs I wrote during my time studying at Briercrest Seminary (2004-2009). It's called "echoes" partly because these songs are "echoes" of times spent with God from my songwriting past, but also because there are musical "echoes" of hymns, songs or poems sprinkled throughout the album. Listen closely and you'll hear them.


This collection of mostly blues/rock/folk inspired songs was recorded in the spring and summer of 2015. I call it "accidentals" because all of the songs on this project were tunes I have had kicking around in my notebooks for many years but had never found a "home" for on previous albums. You can click the image to download the whole album.

She Moves in Mysterious Ways: Christian Reflections on the Music of U2 (VI)

One of the unsolved mysteries that occasionally got debated in my youth group as a kid was whether or not U2 was a “Christian Band.” I’ve already alluded to this question in a couple of posts in this series on the music of U2, but I thought it might be worth a deep dive of its own.

On the one hand, there are enough tracks in the U2 catalogue that explicitly refer to God, Christ, the Church, or passages of Scripture, that you could easily make the case that Bono and the Lads are about as Christian as you could expect a chart-topping supergroup to be. In “Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,” Bono declares it boldly that he “believes in Kingdom Come,” and (presumably) that Jesus “carried the cross of all [his] shame.” Similarly, in “When Love Comes to Town,” he confesses that “[he] was there when they crucified my Lord.” In “Until the End of the World,” he imagines the Last Supper through the eyes of Judas, and in “Sunday Bloody Sunday” he sings about "[claiming] the victory Jesus won.” And the list goes on: he asks God to take his soul and make it sing, in “Yahweh”; he extols grace as a “thought that changed the world” in “Grace.”

On the other hand, however, the band has always been somewhat aloof about their faith, and many of their songs reveal a deep ambivalence towards matters religious. In “Peace on Earth,” Bono asks ironically if Jesus can’t take the time to throw a drowning man a line. In “For the First Time,” he talks about leaving “his Father’s mansion, where there are many rooms to see,” sneaking out the back door and throwing away the key. In Pop’s “Wake Up Dead Man,” he sings about being alone and helpless in God’s abandoned world, and in “If God Will Send His Angels” he wonders out loud if God’s got his phone of the hook, and if he’d even pick up if he could.

So there are two definite sides to the coin that is “U2’s Christianity.” They’re the type of band that can put Psalm 40 to music so evocatively (in their 1981 masterpiece, “40”), so evocatively, indeed, that Contemporary Christian artists wouldn't hesitate to include it in a worship set (as Michael W. Smith did in 2002); yet they’re also the kind of band that can put out a song imagining the world through the eyes of a psychotic killer (their 1987 “Exit”), and sing about going out “to taste and to touch, and to feel as much as a man can before he repents” (as they did in 1993’s “The Wanderer”).

In the tight-laced youth group that I spiritually came of age in, back in the 80s and 90s, this ambivalence made U2 suspect. They were safe listening, compared to Motley Crue or Ozzy Osbourne, but they were still somewhat dubious, as far as “Christian rock” went. Their music was a bit too secular to be sacred.

Youth group leaders have a lot of stake-holders to keep in mind when they make musical recommendations to their charges, so perhaps the very tentative endorsements my leaders gave U2 back then were justified. I don’t know. From a theological perspective, though, there is something deeply and profoundly Christian, I think, in the ease with which U2 seems to belong in both worlds, the sacred and the secular.

In his masterful treatise on Christian Ethics, Deitrich Bonhoeffer writes about the implications of the Incarnation and the Resurrection, when it comes to the human tendency to divide the world into sacred and secular spheres. If it is true, Bonhoeffer suggests, that in Christ God really has brought together His divine life with our human life, then there can no longer be any real division between the sacred and the secular. Because of the person and work of Christ, he says, it is no longer possible to think "in terms of two spheres,” the divine and the worldly, the holy and the profane, the Christian and the un-Christian; for the believer, now, there is only the single reality of the world reconciled to God in Christ.

“Whoever professes to believe in the reality of Jesus Christ, as the revelation of God,” he writes, “must in the same breath profess his faith in both the reality of God and the reality of the world; for in Christ he finds God and the world reconciled” (Ethics, p. 198). In another place, he makes these two realities inseparable, claiming that:
In Christ we are offered the possibility of partaking in the reality of God and in the reality of the world, but not in the one without the other. The reality of God discloses itself only by setting me entirely in the reality of the world, and when I encounter the reality of the world it is always already sustained, accepted and reconciled in the reality of God. (Ethics, p. 193).
This is a truth, I think, that contemporary Christians, especially evangelicals, often fail to grasp. Despite the claims of the Gospel, still, we tend to think in terms of “two realities”—the one, claimed and explicitly devoted to Christ, the other opposed or turned away from him. If Bonhoeffer is on to anything, however, the “reality” that seems, ostensibly, opposed to God, is still, in Christ, claimed by him and destined for redemption. Christians cannot abandon it as irredeemably secular, and, indeed, by manifesting the presence of Christ in that sphere which is, to all appearances, god-forsaken, we evidence the fullest truths of the Gospel: that Jesus is the true Lord of the whole world, sacred and secular alike.

This is easier said than done, though. I don’t personally think that “manifesting the presence of Christ in the secular sphere” means simply plastering John 3:16 bumper stickers on your car and wearing your Jesus Saves T-Shirt everywhere you go. I think, rather, it means embracing the world with all its foibles, failures and fractures as precious to God, viewing it empathetically with the eyes of Christ, and responding to it compassionately as a “reality” that Christ came to love and died to redeem to himself.

What this looks like in practical terms is hard to describe, because it depends entirely on each believer’s individual context. If you wanted to image what it sounds like, though, to reunite the sacred and the secular in Christ, you could take a listen to any number of U2 songs that attempt to do just that, from the one about the girl with crimson nails swinging Jesus round her neck, to the one about an invisible ultraviolet light that illuminates the world, whose love is “like a secret that’s been passed around.”

Maybe learning to see the world the way the best of U2's lyrics describe it, could be a first step towards experiencing the fullest meaning of the Gospel: that God was in Christ reconciling the World to Himself.

What More in the Name of Love?: Christian Thoughts on the Music of U2 (V)

I am ordained as a Free Methodist minister, and have served in this denomination for the whole of my pastoral ministry. Historically, the Free Methodist Church has always placed a strong emphasis on ministry to the poor, the disenfranchised, the down-and-out. The denomination emerged in the 1860s in America, being birthed out of anti-slavery protests and calls for religious reform in the Methodist denomination of the time. B. T. Roberts, one of the founding leaders of the Free Methodist Church, was famously expelled from the Methodist Church for his work advocating—or agitating, as his detractors had it—to bring slavery to an end, and for calling out the Methodists for its complicity with the practice.

This original concern for social justice is woven deeply into the Free Methodist ethos. Traditionally the “Free” in Free Methodist signaled, among other things, that the FMC was about “freedom for slaves” and wanted “free pews,” that is, equity for the poor. It was an impulse towards compassion and social reform that traces all the way back to John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement. He is famous for his conviction that “works of mercy” are, in fact, means of grace, for his claim that “there is no holiness but that of social holiness.” By this he meant that the transformation that the gospel is meant to effect in the believer’s life must play out “socially” for them—in their relationships, their neighborhoods, their country and communities. This was a conviction that the early Free Methodists took deeply to heart.

I did not grow up Free Methodist, finding my way to the FM when I was looking for my first ministry appointment after graduating with my Masters of Divinity, back in 2008. The tradition I grew up in was much more focused on the “spiritual” dimensions of the Gospel—the justification by faith and the salvation by grace that the scriptures promise all who confess with their mouths that Jesus is Lord and believe in their hearts God raised him from the dead. It actually had little time for “the Social Gospel,” and more than a little suspicion of it. Wasn’t “social justice” what the mainline denominations worried about, at the expense of evangelism, and because they’d lost their biblical moorings? Wasn’t it dangerously close to a “works-based-righteousness” that flatly contradicted the glorious truth that we are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, and explicitly not by works? And if that were true—that good works are unnecessary to salvation—well, to put it bluntly: why bother?

I should add that for a space of time in my young adult years, I participated in a Christian Youth Ministry that was heavily focused on social justice and social transformation—the so-called “Social Gospel.” They were so focused on it, in fact, that the hand-wringing over neglecting evangelism and/or watering down the Gospel that the Christians in the churches of my childhood might have done, would have been lost on them. Worse than lost on them: it would have been distasteful. For many of the friends I made in this Youth Ministry, the Gospel was social justice, worship was social action, and anything that took things like sin, sanctification, the atonement, or the Holy Spirit too seriously risked losing sight of the real work of the believer: to be about the work of the Kingdom: giving water to the thirsty, food to the hungry, and solace to the harried.

I’ve lived in both religious extremes, is my point: the liberal Social Gospel extreme, and the conservative sola fide extreme. Which is why, when I first became a Free Methodist minister, I found this denominations “both/and” when it came to social justice and personal devotion so refreshing. In Free Methodism, both works of mercy (social action for the sake of Jesus) and works of piety (personal devotion guided by the Holy Spirit) are both means of grace, and equally important.

This may be why I’ve always appreciated the emphasis the band U2 has always placed, through their music, on making a real difference in the world: their recognition that their massive platform has given them a massive voice to speak up on social issues, and their willingness to use that platform to promote a worthy cause.

In saying this, I acknowledge that this is also a feature of U2’s music that has turned off many a would-be fan. The band—and especially their lead singer, Bono—is just too damned preachy. Their penchant for supporting the “flavor of the month” when it comes to social issues was hilariously parodied when they appeared, as themselves, on The Simpsons. When Homer interrupts their concert to discuss waste management, as part of his bid to become Springfield’s next Sanitation Commissioner. The audience boos uproariously, Bono gives him the stage, because, in his words, “waste management affects the whole damn planet!”

On a serious note, however, there’s this poignant and earnest denunciation of the 1987 Remembrance Day bombing in Enniskillen, Ireland.

Musically, I was raised on the Beatles and the Beach Boys, as a child, and came of age as a teen listening to acts like White Snake and Van Halen. When I first encountered U2 in the late 80s, I was listening almost predominantly to glam metal, with all its hedonistic anthems to debauchery echoing in my head. In those days, encountering a band like U2, that took its vocation as a rock band so seriously, was world transforming for me. Here was a band that believed, actually, that songs should be about something, striving towards something, calling for action to something, and that that something ought to be something important.

As my musical education grew, I would learn that this impulse towards using music, and rock music, especially, to channel the rebellious spirit of youth towards social justice traced back much further than U2, to the protest songs of Bob Dylan, Elvis’s determination to cross racial barriers, or the folk tunes of Woody Guthrie.

What U2 did, however, that none of those who went before them did—or at least, they did it more explicitly and more successfully—was to marry their passion for social change with a spirituality that was always latently Christian, and at times explicitly so. As much as it is possible to do so in a genre as full of contradictions as rock music, U2 brought together a cry for social justice and a yearning for spiritual transcendence in the same place.

A song like “Pride (In the Name of Love),” or “Sunday Bloody Sunday” are great early examples of this; songs like “Where the Streets Have No Names” are more classic examples; songs like “Crumbs from Your Table,” “Walk On,” and “Yahweh” are instances from much later in the U2 catalogue.

In a previous post, I discussed Contemporary Christian Music’s musical debt to U2. What CCM never borrowed, however, is U2’s conviction that music should not only reach up, towards the divine, but also reach out, to the oppressed, the down-trodden, the exploited. In my opinion, the worship music of the modern evangelical church is the poorer because of it. Almost all modern worship songs adopt a “just-me-and-Jesus” posture, telling Jesus how much we love him and how much he has done for us. I can’t remember ever hearing a song telling Jesus that we were going to give a cup of cold water to a parched child, or clothing to the naked stranger, because we knew that in doing so we’d be expressing out love for him.

Maybe that’s too much to ask for, in a corporate worship setting, but if the contemporary evangelical church was going to borrow more from U2 than simply some haunting chord progression and the creative use of guitar effects pedals, it could do worse than to borrow their belief that works of mercy and acts of piety are not at odds. They are, in fact, two beautiful sides of the very same worshipful coin.

Rock and Roll Stops the Traffic: Christian Thoughts on the Music of U2 (IV)

I almost never listen to Contemporary Christian Music. This sometimes comes as a surprise to those who know me, since as a pastor, I am very passionate both about my faith and about music. But the truth is, I mostly feel frustrated and alienated whenever I listen to CCM, as a genre. I find it musically redundant, theologically simplistic, spiritually superficial, and lyrically unsophisticated. To clarify: we do sing a lot of contemporary Christian music in our church, and I do appreciate the genre (at least some of it) in that corporate setting, but outside of that context, most contemporary Christian music leaves me bone dry and spiritually dissatisfied. Musically it almost never strays from one of about five variations of the classic I-V-vi-V chord progression, played over plaintively strummed guitars, surreally chorused synths, and a standard 4/4 rock beat. And lyrically, it almost never varies the formula of talking about how Jesus meets my individual felt-needs. It's the spiritualized version of the worst kind of formulaic corporate country music—another genre that I can’t hardly bear.

But this is not a rant. It’s actually a blog post about the music of U2.

The reason I’m talking about CCM is only because I believe that no other musical force had more influence on the evolution of contemporary Christian music than the musical force that is U2. I don’t have hard evidence for this, except for many times I’ve listened to a popular CCM tune and reached the end thinking either “U2 did it better,” or “U2 did it first.” They were one of the first bands to popularize the I-V-vi-V chord progression, for instance, which they used with great success on their chart-topping hit, 1987's “With or Without You.” Although this musical pattern is so ubiquitous in pop music today that it’s almost become white noise, it was not actually that common the 50s, 60s, or 70s. Songwriters used it from time to time (e.g. “Let it Be,” by the Beatles, “Africa,” by Toto, or “Beast of Burden,” by The Stones), but it did not become the staple of songwriting that it is today until the late 90s and early 2000s.

This fascinating video by David Bennett helpfully lays out the history of this chord progression. According to his analysis, the I-V-vi-V pattern doesn’t show up in earnest until the early 90s. The bar graph showing its frequency in pop music shoots up suddenly in 1991, four years after the release of “With or Without You.” Notably, in the years prior to the mid-80s, the progression was almost always worked in with other chords, and almost no songs were based entirely on a looping progression of those 4 chords, the way “With or Without You” was. By the 2000s the form was so common that it had almost become a musical cliché.

David Bennett does not attribute this development in pop music to U2’s use of the chord progression on “With or Without You.” He traces it, instead, back punk bands like The Clash, that used it from time to time in the early 80s. However, in their early days, U2 styled themselves as an artsy expression of the punk genre, and have identified The Clash as one of their earliest inspirations, so perhaps there was some cross-pollination in this regard.

At any rate, I’m not saying U2 invented the progression, or single-handedly popularized it. My point, rather, is to explore U2’s influence on contemporary Christian music, and it’s fascinating for me to notice how the evolution of CCM unfolded in the Christian world around the same time, and roughly at the same pace, as U2’s star was rising in the world of pop music. And I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Contemporary Christian Music today defaults so consistently to the I-V-vi-V pattern in its songwriting, given how common this overly-simplistic approach to songwriting was for U2, one of the only “safe” rock bands that Christian kids could listen to back in the 80s. (I’ve already shared how the ambiguity about U2’s status as a “Christian group” made them standard listening in the youth group I grew up in).

I don’t have hard evidence of this, either, but I’m willing to bet that The Joshua Tree was played on regular rotation in the musically-formative years of most of the biggest worship music songwriters of the early 2000s—guys like Matt Redman, Chris Tomlin, and Paul Baloche. And their legacy as CCM pioneers still lives on today in the music of CCM juggernauts like Hillsong and Elevation.

There’s an irony here, that a musical genre I find mostly uninspiring has its roots intertwined with the musical legacy of a band that was, in my youth, one of the most inspiring acts I’d ever heard. I can still remember hearing The Joshua Tree album for the first time, and feeling like I was touching the tip of something archetypal, music I’d always known but never heard before.

I sometimes wonder what Bono and the lads think of contemporary Christian music. I once heard Bono say in an interview that when rock music ceased to rebel against established forms, it will devolve into folk music. I think he said it shortly after Achtung Baby had come out, and fans everywhere were shocked by the sudden left turn, musically speaking, that the band had taken with that album. His point was that rebellion is woven into the DNA of rock music, and when the genre ceases to startle our musical sensibilities, it will fossilize.

The rebellious nature of rock, of course, is one of the aspects that made it so threatening to most Christian leaders in the early days, especially because that rebellious spirit so often found its expression in obscenity, licentiousness, and hedonism. In U2’s music, though, the spirit of rebellion was channeled in the direction of social justice and world peace (more on that in a later post). This made it risky in a different way, perhaps, but because these themes were often couched in spiritual terms, the risk was never fully felt.

And so, whether intentionally or simply by osmosis, contemporary Christian musicians started absorbing and reiterating the musical sentiments of what would become one of the biggest bands in the world. For better or for worse, U2 loaned their paired-down, atmospheric approach to music-making to the contemporary Christian genre. I’m sure there have been some ways in which this has made it better, but given the state of Christian music today, my sense is that there are a lot of ways, too, that it’s made it worse.

Very, very few popular Christian songs today do anything original musically; they all seem sadly unwilling to rebel against the paste-pudding repetition of tonic, dominant, relative minor and sub-dominant chords. And I can’t think of many that come close lyrically to matching the yearning brilliance of a song like “One Tree Hill” or “Ultraviolet.” Contemporary Christian Music adopted the forms that a band like U2 was popularizing, back when it was still rebellious to do so, but then, unlike U2 itself, CCM simply stopped rebelling.

There is something rebellious in the Christian message, of course. Not for nothing did the early Romans fear and despise the Christians the way they did. In Roman eyes, Christians were antisocials and misfits of the worst kind. Perhaps the lack of innovation that we see in CCM speaks to a deeper malaise in contemporary evangelicalism, that it has lost its prophetic role, indeed, its prophetic ability to speak against the status quo. If so, perhaps more than adopting the musical style of a band like U2, contemporary Christianity might do better to learn from the rebellious spirit they embodied.

I Believe in Kingdom Come: Christian Thoughts on the Music of U2 (III)

The other day I was talking with a friend of mine who is in his early twenties about the Christian metal I used to listen to when I was a kid. I don’t remember exactly how we got on the topic, but I started telling him about one of the bands that got regular play time on my cassette player, a Christianized version of Motley Crue called Stryper.

One of Stryper’s greatest hits was a tune called “To Hell With the Devil,” a song it sang with as much unironically literalism as you can achieve, belting out the phrase against crunching guitars, wearing skin-tight spandex and teased out hair. (I remember my father finding my To Hell With the Devil album in my cassette collection and preparing to give me a good talking-to about it, until he realized that they meant the song sincerely, and, after all (he said) there’s probably no better place for the Devil than that.)

So I was reliving the oldies with my Gen-Z friend, like I say, and a half hour later we’d covered any number of Stryper tunes. It was a bit embarrassing for me, to realize how bad my musical taste was at sixteen, though in those days I thought Stryper were virtuosos at their craft (and, to their credit, if you can see past all the corny costumes and glammy make-up, they were actually pretty talented musicians as far as the hair-metal genre goes).

But what stood out to me on this 40th-year reunion with the music of Stryper was how theologically clunky their songwriting was. It never occurred to me, at sixteen, that a line like “Speak of the Devil, he’s no friend of mine / to turn from him is what we’ve got in mind” was not exactly elegant poetry.

Here’s the opening verse of another Stryper classic, “Soldiers Under Command.”
We are the soldiers under God's command
We hold His two-edged sword within our hands
We're not ashamed to stand up for what's right
We win without sin, it's not by our might
And we're fighting all the sin
And the good book -- it says we'll win
It’s not exactly subtle. But neither was the theological impulse of a band like Stryper. Essentially, the group—and the Christian metal genre more generally—was attempting a kind of Christian coup of utterly secular cultural expressions, baptizing all the hedonism and pseudo-occultism of the heavy metal genre with a veneer of religion, so that Christian metal fans could eat their cake and have it to.

I say this with a good deal of fondness for Stryper. As a yearning sixteen-year-old raised in a devoutly Christian home and trying to find his way in a decidedly un-Christian world, music that had all the energy and urgency of the stuff my friends were listening to, without any of the guilt I got when I listened to Iron Maiden, was, quite literally, a God-send.

But I also say it by way of contrast to the music of U2, the band that this series is actually about. One of the huge questions swirling around U2 when I was a teen, and this was especially asked by the same youth group leaders that recommended the music of Stryper to me—the most important thing to know about the band—was: Is U2 a Christian band?

The jury never returned a verdict on that one. Certainly, much of their music, especially the earliest outings, were replete with spiritual references, Christian allusions, and religious subtexts. And even without these more direct nods to the stuff of faith, their music never offered any pagan peons to Satan, or celebrated debauchery and dissipation the way so many of their contemporaries did. If they weren’t overtly Christian, then at least they were “Christian friendly.”

That said, they were also very evasive about their religious convictions. They never openly declared allegiance to any church or creed, never explicitly stated their faith, never tossed Bibles into the crowds at their concerts (a staple at Stryper concerts). Yes, Bono sang passionately in his belief in “Kingdom Come, when all the colors bleed into one,” but that’s a far cry from announcing that he was going to “fight all the sin,” because the “good book says we’ll win.”

As one music critic put it, U2 is “the greatest Christian band that never was.”

When held up against a band that is so brashly “Christian” as Stryper, U2’s ambiguity about their Faith raises some profound questions about the role of Christian artists, the relationship between faith and culture, and, especially, what makes Christian art “Christian” anyway.

In his book, Christ and Culture the renowned Christian theologian Richard Niebuhr offered a succinct framework for understanding the different postures different Christians take when it comes to the relationship between faith and culture. He described 5 distinct positions: 1. Christ against Culture (standing opposed to culture as irredeemably secular), 2. Christ of Culture (uncritically embracing developments in culture as being of Christ), 3. Christ above Culture (seeing your Christian faith as something separate from culture, with no conflict and very little contact between them), 4. Christ and Culture in paradox (seeing culture and faith as irreconcilably in tension with one another, but participating faithfully in both without resolving the difference), and 5. Christ as the Transformer of Culture (believing that culture is redeemable, and working faithfully to transform it in a way that brings glory to God).

Using Neibuhr’s framework, I would argue that, although a band like Stryper was attempting to adopt the fifth posture—Christ as the Transformer of Culture—what actually happened when it tried to Christianize the tropes of Heavy Metal was closer to the first posture: Christ against Culture. I say this because of the view implied by a song like “Soldiers Under Command,” that the only thing that can make a musical genre like heavy metal acceptable is if it is “co-opted” for the purposes of the Gospel. This explains the blunt-force with which the message is delivered in Stryper’s music. The whole approach suggests that the only acceptable musical expressions are those that are explicitly, unambiguously, even aggressively clear about the faith that has motivated it.

By contrast, U2 tends to adopt Posture Four in their music: holding Christ and Culture in tension, somewhat reveling in the paradox, and refusing to resolve the ambiguity. Christ is certainly present in their art, but not in its entirety, nor are they willing to pull back the veil and show where he is or is not standing. The deep irony—and it’s an irony we will explore more in coming posts—is that while adopting a “Christ and Culture in Paradox” posture, U2 has had a far more profound and far-reaching impact on culture than Stryper ever did. In adopting Posture Four, that is to say, they found themselves standing in Posture Five.

In her beautiful book, Walking on Water, Madeline L’Engle shares thoughts on being a Christian and an artist, arguing that we do a disservice to faith and art both when we assume that the thing that makes Christian art “Christian” is the number of times it refers to Jesus, and/or the clarity with which it makes those references. When we do this, she says, we end up both exploiting Jesus and corrupting art. What makes Christian art truly Christian, she argues, is the faithful lens through which the artists views the world, the mercy and love with which they engage what they see, and the freedom and the honesty with which they attempt to convey that in their art.

Whatever else the music of U2 offers us, it is an intriguing object lesson in L’Engle’s claims on this point. Consider, for instance, a song that attempts compassionately and mercifully to step into the agony of a heroin addict—like their poignant “Running to a Standstill”—or a tune urging us to acknowledge the difference that divides us and carry each other all the same—like their achingly beautiful “One”—or a lyric playfully celebrating the mystery of grace—like their tongue-in-cheek “Daddy’s gonna pay for your crashed car.” Perhaps tunes like these bring far more glory to God, despite the fact they never mention the name of Jesus, than four spandex-clad metalheads ever could, belting out at the top of their lungs that “In God we trust, in him we must believe, In God we trust, His Son we must receive.”

Three Chords and the Truth: Christian Thoughts on the Music of U2 (II)

I used to know this guy who was an accomplished bass guitarist, and occasionally he would quip that Adam Clayton is the luckiest bass player in the world.

For him, the joke was that Adam Clayton is one of the most successful and wealthy bassists on the planet, despite his relatively rudimentary skills on the bass.

You could say similar things about the other members of U2. The rock-and-roll legend about lead singer Paul Hewson—aka Bono—is that his nickname came from an Italian phrase, "bono vox," which means “beautiful voice.” He earned this mysterious sobriquet as a kind of ironic nod to the fact that he is not an especially great singer. Passionate, yes. Distinctive, of course. Endowed with a compelling urgency, sure. But his voice is not considered by most—even among ardent fans—to be particularly “beautiful.”

Nor is the Edge exactly a guitar virtuoso. In saying that, I don't mean any disrespect to his music, because more than half of everything I know about guitar I probably learned playing U2 songs. And I don’t mean to imply that he lacks talent, either. When it comes to creating atmospheric soundscapes, the Edge is, in my opinion, a genius at his craft. When it comes to riffs, scales, licks and phrases, however, he does not have an especially diverse vocabulary. If you’ve learned three or four different U2 chord progressions, you’ve pretty much learned them all. There is a telling scene in the movie Rattle and Hum, where U2 is rehearsing the song Love Came to Town, with blues guitar legend B. B. King. As they’re preparing the arrangement, King says something about how he doesn’t usually play chords, to which Bono replies: “Don’t worry, Edge can do that—there’s not much chords in this song; I think there’s only two.”

For all their fame and admiration—a renown that is, in my opinion, well earned—still, none of the members of U2 are truly virtuosos of their respective instruments. When you strip away the layered studio production and surreal sound effects that makes their music so distinctive, few of their songs rate much higher than campfire choruses, when it comes to musical complexity.

Which I don’t bring up in this series on U2 as a criticism. It’s only to illustrate something profound about their music that makes the band so fascinating to me: the fact that U2 is one of the more compelling instances of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts.

In sociology, we use the word “emergence” to describe this phenomenon. According to sociologist Christian Smith, emergence refers to the process of “constituting a new entity with its own particular characteristics through the interactive combination of other, different entities that are necessary to create the new entity but … do not contain the characteristics present in the new entity” (Smith, p. 26). Emergence occurs when two or more entities at a lower level interact, serving in this way as the basis for a new, higher level entity with characteristics that cannot be reduced to those of the lower entities.”

To consider how emergence works, we might examine one of U2’s most popular songs, ranked 93rd in Rolling Stone’s list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time: “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For.” According to Wikipedia, many critics consider it to be one of the greatest rock songs of all time—U2’s “Let it Be,” as it were. It has certainly always held a special place in my heart as one of the quintessential songs of my growing up years.

Musically, however, the song is relatively simple, and easily dissected: a modest 3-chord progression and a relatively straight-forward melody, with a couple of chiming guitar parts composed of relatively simple arpeggios on some suspended major chords, played with a delay over a four-note bass line . It’s true that the drum groove is unique, and helps to make the song so memorable, but even so, it is not an especially complex composition.

When all these rudimentary parts come together, however, something profound emerges that cannot be reduced to this mere list of its basic components. I have always felt that “Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For” opens a window onto something almost archetypal, something not present in any of its individual parts, or even in the arranging and recording of the tune, but is only audible when it's all heard together and taken as a whole. 

One might argue that this is true of music generally, and in some ways, it is. One of the reasons music is such an evocative medium, I think, is its ability to bring into existence polyphonically something that somehow cannot exist when individual sounds are simply made on their own.

There is something especially “emergent” about the music of U2, however. As basic as so much of their music is, what emerges when the four of them make it together is irreducible. It probably has something to do with the earnestness with which they tackle their art, the genuine desire to connect with their audience, the sincere love they seem to have for each other, as much as it has to do with the musicality of their playing, but whatever it is, there is an “emergent mystery” to the music of U2 that I’ve always admired.

It might be pushing it to draw this connection, but I like to think about the church in a similar way: the community that emerges when followers of Jesus bring their simple, rudimentary gifts together, I mean, allowing the Holy Spirit to bind them together for the glory of God, is also impossible to reduce to a simple sum of its constituent parts. In the case of the church, of course, it is the presence of Christ himself that causes the “transcendent something” to emerge, whereas U2 has been notoriously ambivalent about their Christian convictions. Even so, the way the church becomes something far greater than just a collective of individuals, an emergent body of believers loving the world with a love not present, or even possible, in any one individual’s passion or care, is perhaps symbolized beautifully by the way four mediocre musicians from Ireland took 4 basic chords and a whole lot of heart, and turned them into something that could touch lives and change the world.

Trying to Throw Your Arms Around the World: Christian Thoughts on the Music of U2 (I)

One of the things I love to do with this blog is to take a topic that does not seem, on the surface, to be especially rich with theological meaning—video gaming, let’s say, or the music of Bruce Springsteen—and see what theological import we might discover when we explore them from a Christian perspective. Over the years, I’ve delved into the spirituality of food, the unpacked the theological meaning of Halloween, offered a Christian analysis of an obscure children’s cartoon called Steven Universe, about alien gemstones taking over planet earth. And over the course of such series, I’ve found Jesus at work in all kinds of unexpected places, from the films of Tom Hanks to working out at the gym.

I share this as both an explanation and an apology for the series I’m starting today, a theological analysis of the music of U2. By way of explanation, it’s simply to point out that a Christian examination of a popular rock band like U2 does fall in line with the general theme and purpose of my blog. By way of apology, though, it’s to acknowledge that in some ways, the music of U2 is far too easy a target for a blog that is ostensibly intent on finding theological meaning in unexpected places. When I was exploring the theological meaning of the popular Disney show, Gravity Falls, all sorts of surprising theological gems kept bobbing unexpectedly to the surface; it’s less likely that a similar exploration of U2’s music is going to yield near as many surprises.

They are, after all, one of the most Christian “secular” bands on the planet. Their song lyrics are replete with overt Christian imagery, and their approach to the rock-star lifestyle never really shocked the world with its hedonism, making them one of the safest choices for a Christian kid who didn’t really want to listen to Christian music. They were one of the only non-Christian bands my youth group leader endorsed in the semi-fundamentalist church of my teen years. Even today, their lead singer Bono is regularly quoted for his opinions on the deity of Jesus, the resurrection, or God’s preferential option for the poor. So they’re maybe not the best candidates for an unlikely source of theological reflection.

That said, I still think there may be some unexpected glimmers of theological gold to be found, if we take some time to pan in the musical river that is their 47-year-long career. For starters, we might note the uneasy relationship they have with the evangelical sub-culture, or the unique way they bridged the sacred and the secular in their song-writing, or their social-justice advocacy work, which so often rang with echoes of the Old Testament prophets.

We will get to each of these in turn, and more, as we survey the breadth of their musical output (which, at 15 plus studio albums is impressive by any count). I grew up listening to U2, and though they’ve never really been my favorite band, they’ve always been an ubiquitous presence in my musical trajectory. I am sure I listened to my cassette version of Joshua Tree until it wouldn’t play clearly any more. To this day I can still remember listening to Zooropa for the first time, and feeling like I was stepping into a musical world I never could have imagined existing, but was still strangely, intimately familiar to me.

I sort of lost track of the band after No Line of the Horizon, listening to Songs of Innocence only a handful of times then moving on, and somehow missing Songs of Experience and Songs of Surrender altogether (to this day I still have to give those outings a listen). Nevertheless, there have been long stretches of my life where U2 was almost the only band I listened to, and when I was starting out as a guitarist, a good 75% of my repertoire consisted of U2 songs. Suffice it to say, then, that I will be speaking from a place of warm familiarity and tempered appreciation. After all, it was U2, I think, who challenged me to think through how the thing that makes Christian music truly Christian might not have anything to do with amount of Christian jargon it has in the lyrics, and how truly caring about the world—loving it well in the midst of all its political messiness and social injustices—is a vital Christian activity.

I hope to say much more on those themes in the weeks to come. In the meantime, and perhaps to establish some credibility as a fan, let me offer the list of my top ten favorite U2 albums, here in closing.

1. Achtung Baby
2. The Joshua Tree
3. Zooropa
4. All That You Can’t Leave Behind
5. Rattle and Hum
6. The Unforgettable Fire
7. Pop
8. How to Dismantle and Atomic Bomb
9. No Line on the Horizon
10. Songs of Innocence

Stephen's Martyrdom and Paul's Forgiveness, a reflection on Acts 7

The other day I was reading the story of Stephen’s Martyrdom in Acts 7, and I started to put together some dots I’d never connected before. In 7:60, immediately before he dies as the first martyr for the Faith, Stephen cries out in a loud voice—“Lord, do not hold this sin against them!” And then he “falls asleep.”

In his commentary on Acts, Luke Timothy Johnson points out how carefully Saint Luke has crafted this narrative so that it mirrors the crucifixion of Jesus. Stephen glimpses “heaven standing open” (7:56) in a way similar to how Jesus saw heaven opened at his baptism (Luke 3:21). The angry mob drags Stephen outside the city to stone him (7:58) in a way similar to how the angry mob drove Jesus outside town to kill him (Luke 4:29). Stephen commits his spirit into the Lord’s hands (7:59) in a way similar to how Jesus commits his spirit into the Father’s hands on the cross (Luke 23:46). And, as mentioned, Stephen prays that the Lord would not hold the sin of his murderers against them (7:60), in a way similar to how Jesus prayed for the forgiveness of those who crucified him (Luke 23:34).

It seems like Luke wants us to read Stephen’s execution as participating, in some way, in the story of Jesus himself, and, especially, in the death of our Lord on the cross. Stephen’s martyrdom, that is to say, is a cruciform death, one informed by and patterned after the death of Jesus himself.

That, on it’s own is a sobering thought, but it becomes all the more so when you read the very next verse that follows. Because immediately after we read Stephen’s prayer asking God to forgive his executioners—a prayer patterned after the prayer of Christ on the cross—we read in 8:1 that Saul (aka Paul) was standing there, “giving approval to Stephen’s death.” Whether Paul personally threw a stone or not is moot, here; the narrative clearly implicates him in the travesty of justice that happened that day. Very likely it was this moment that Paul himself had in mind in places like 1 Timothy 1:15, where he describes himself as “the chief of sinners” (see also 1 Cor 15:9).

Here is where the connect-a-dot of Bible verses forms a fascinating picture, though. Because those who have read the Book of Acts to the end will know that Saul goes on to become one of the most influential and indefatigable missionaries for the cause of Christ the church has ever known. The Saul whom Stephen prayed for on the day of his death would eventually become Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles, who counted everything as dung in comparison to knowing Christ and roamed the world seeking places to preach Him where the name was not yet known.

In other words, God literally answered Stephen’s prayer that day, and showed his executioners His divine mercy and grace. Certainly in Paul’s life, at least, he did, because by God’s grace, Paul became an apostle of Christ Jesus himself, forgiven and empowered to preach the name he once persecuted. Speculating about “what ifs” is kind of futile when it comes to the Sovereignty of God, but even so, I can’t help but wonder: how might Paul’s story have turned out differently, if Stephen had not followed his Lord’s example and prayed for the forgiveness of those who persecuted him.

It reminds me of Jesus’s promise to his disciples in John 20:23, that anyone they forgive will be forgiven, and those they don’t forgive will not. More than reminding us of them, Stephen’s story vividly illustrates them. Stephen forgave Paul (if not directly, certainly as part and parcel to his prayer for all those who murdered him that day). God forgave Paul (Acts never directly connects Paul's forgiveness to Stephen’s prayer, but the fact that Act 8:1 follows directly on the heels of 7:60 make it fair game, I think, to align the two). And Paul, forgiven, goes on to champion the Gospel of Reconciliation that he once tried to snuff out.

What if Stephen had not learned the lesson of the cross so well? 

And what might God do in the lives of those we forgive, if we will learn the message of the cross as well as Stephen did?

A Labor of Love: Spiritual Reflections on the Filmography of Tom Hanks (IX)

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Even though he has starred in two of my favorite movies (Forrest Gump, and Joe vs. the Volcano), Tom Hanks is not my favorite actor. And even though he has starred in nearly every genre of film imaginable, from sci-fi thrillers to gangster movies, I do not think of him as an especially diverse actor. I think he is a gifted actor, in some ways, and the scope of his film credits is impressive, but still: whenever I see Tom Hanks performing in a film, it’s hard for me not to see, first and foremost, Tom Hanks performing. By this I mean that, unlike those actors who entirely lose themselves in the role—exhibiting the acting version of what Keats famously called “a negative capability”—Tom Hanks the man is always relatively easy to spot in, through, and beneath every character he plays.

In any other actor, I would take this as the sign of an amateur, that who they are as a person is always somehow apparent—vaguely present—in whatever character they are portraying. With Tom Hanks, however, I think this is part of his appeal, indeed, part of his skill. When Tom Hanks performs a duty-bound World War II Captain, for instance, the fact that you can see Tom Hanks himself projecting through that portrayal allows you, in some strange way, to imagine what it would be for you yourself to be one. When Tom Hanks portrays a desperate castaway stranded on a deserted South Pacific Island, the fact that the cast away is so clearly Tom Hanks, allows you to put yourself in the same shoes, and wonder if you would have fared any better.

Unlike those actors who “become” their character, Tom Hanks seems more intent on “faithfully partnering” with the character to tell their story well.

From a Christian perspective, the term for what I’m trying to describe here, I think, is love. Not romantic love, of course, but one of the other versions of that highest of Christian virtues: “philia” love, maybe, or even “agape.” What makes Tom Hanks’s characters work is not so much the depth of his performance, but the fact that he seems so clearly to love the character he is portraying. You see this show up clearly for the first time, I think, in the movie “Punchline,” a 1988 drama where he plays Steve Gold, a struggling comedian striving to make it big. Hanks’ portrayal of Steve Gold is replete with quirks that will later become signature Tom Hankisms, yet he seems so genuinely to love the character of the struggling comic he is playing, having entered into his story with such appreciation and care, that you find yourself drawn in before you even realize what’s happening. You see the same love evident in his more famous and mature roles. What makes you root so earnestly for Forrest Gump, I think, is that Tom Hanks the actor seems so obviously to love the character, making it almost impossible for you, as the viewer, not to.

There are two lessons Christians might take from this observation, once it’s noticed. On the one hand, the love Tom Hanks brings to his portrayals of his best characters should remind us of the power of love to transform all kinds of human work. Whether your job is film acting or brick-laying, it is possible to do it as an expression of love, and, when we do, it is possible to see that work redeemed.

On the other hand, though, I think Tom Hanks’ loving approach to the characters he plays and the stories he tells through them, could stand as a metaphor, or perhaps a microcosm, for the call of the Christian to lovingly enter into the lives and the experiences of our neighbours, to “faithfully partner with them” in the telling of their stories, and lovingly learn how to see the world through the eyes of the other, as we do.

Earlier I suggested that were he a different kind of actor, there might be something “amateur” in the way Tom Hanks’s true persona “leaks through” in his acting. The word “amateur,” however, literally means “for the love of it…” An amateur, that is to say, is one who pursues their craft, not for the wage, but simply for the love of it. Tom Hanks has been amply compensated for his work as an actor, of course, but given what I’ve said about the obvious love he brings to his roles, perhaps he still is, and maybe always will be, an amateur, in this technical sense of the word.

The Meaning of History: Spiritual Reflections on the Filmography of Tom Hanks (Part VIII)

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In 1995, Tom Hanks played Jim Lovel, the famous commander of the Apollo 13 lunar mission, in Ron Howard’s Apollo 13. This critically acclaimed film would go on to win two Academy Awards (nominated for 9), two British Academy Film Awards, and the Silver Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture. The movie would gross over $355 million during the course of its theatrical release, and in 2023 the US National Film Registry selected it for preservation as a film of cultural and historical significance.

It is also significnat as the first of many subsequent historical dramas which the prolific actor would go on to make. In addition to Apollo 13, the full list of real-life people Tom Hanks has portrayed on screen includes: Charlie Wilson, the US Congressman who organized American support of Afghanistan during the Soviet-Afghan war (Charlie Wilson’s War), Captain Philips, the American merchant mariner who was kidnapped by Somali Pirates in 2009 (Captain Philips), Walt Disney, the film-making visionary who brought Mary Poppins to the screen (Saving Mr. Banks), James Donovan, the lawyer who negotiated the exchange of Soviet and American spies in 1957 (Bridge of Spies), Sully Sullenberger, the pilot who landed a passenger plane on the on the Hudson River in 2009 (Sully), Ben Bradlee, the editor of the Washington Post who worked to break the Watergate Scandal in 1966 (The Post), Mr. Rogers, circa his 1998 Esquire magazine interview (A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood), and Colonel Tom Parker, Elvis Presley’s notorious and dubious manager from 1955-77 (Elvis). Add to this the roles he played that were not, strictly speaking, historical figures, but were inspired by historical events, like Victor Navroski in The Terminal, or Carl Hanratty in Catch Me if You Can, and the full count of historical films he’s made clocks in at something over a dozen.

While each of these films handle their historical source material in their own unique ways, when you watch them back-to-back (the way my wife and I did in 2023), a number of consistent themes begin to emerge; Tom Hanks seems to have a particular “view of history” that informs his approach to the historical parts he’s cast to play. To begin with, it stands out remarkably how each of these characters made history especially by displaying great resilience in the face of daunting odds. With the exception, perhaps of Colonel Tom Parker, they are all characters who unexpectedly find themselves in emotionally taxing situations, and whatever mark they leave on history is really just the imprint of their courage and determination—Captain Sully’s calmness under the pressure of a failed plane engine, James Donovan’s commitment to uphold the law despite the political backlash, Ben Bradlee’s dogged determination to get the story of Watergate out no matter the cause. Neither is it simply courage in the abstract that he tends to draw out of these historical characters. More specifically, it is their moral courage: their dedication to principles and their commitment to virtues that inspire them to take history-making stands and make history-defining decisions.

If “history” has any over-arching meaning as a singular force in the films of Tom Hanks, it is, primarily, the arena in which the moral grit of individual lives are tested, proven, and, most importantly, memorialized.

From a Christian perspective, Tom Hanks’s interest in playing historical figures deserves special notice, since “history” has always played an important role in the Christian understanding of the spiritual life. The God of the Christian is no abstract deity, unaffected by the vicissitudes of history and standing off at some great remove, watching it all unfold dispassionately. He is, rather, a God of history, who has acted in history, and is, ultimately, sovereign over history. This is the meaning, for instance, of the scroll with the seven seals that we glimpse in the Book of Revelation; this is why a book like the Gospel of Luke takes such pains to historically situate the story of Jesus; this is one of the underlying meanings of the incarnation itself. Not for nothing does Paul insist that God sent his Son into the world “at just the right time” (Rom 5:6-8). Like a good Tom Hanks movie, the Christian Faith is also deeply interested in history—what does it mean, how does it influence the human heart, and where, ultimately, is it going?

Ultimately the Christian answer to those questions differs from anything we find in a Tom Hanks film. As I discussed in a previous post, very few of his films have much interest in exploring the idea that there might be something Divine taking responsibility for the world, a some Omniscient and Omnipotnet One, moving it all towards some higher purpose. But be that as it may, I think a Christian reading of the filmography of Tom Hanks would find much to resonate with, in his view of history as the backdrop against which people enact the stories that display their moral fibre. Only—the Christian would add—the full meaning of those stories, and the real value of that fibre, will not be fully seen until history itself is finally consummated by God in Christ.

In the meantime, though, I think there’s something to be learned in the way a good Tom Hanks character gives shape to the meaning of history, by responding to its unexpected and often overwhelming events with great integrity and principled grit.

The Trajectory of a Tragicomic: Spiritual Reflections on the Filmography of Tom Hanks (VII)

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Because Tom Hanks went on to enjoy block-buster success in iconic dramatic roles like Apollo 13 and Forrest Gump, it’s easy to forget the fact that he actually got his start in comedies. His first lead role, of course, was in the quirky 1984 romantic comedy, Splash! After that came the raunchy sex comedy, Bachelor Party, then the bizarre comedy-as-spy-thriller, The Man with One Red Shoe. His first dramatic role didn’t come until 1986, when he played an advertising executive estranged from his philandering father, in Jacky Gleason’s final movie, Nothing in Common. He also did an obscure World War II film called Every Time We Say Goodbye, in 1986, but these dramatic efforts were all eclipsed by the movie that made him a household name, 1988s Big.

Tom Hanks’ career in dramatic roles didn’t begin in earnest until 1993, when he starred in both the whimsical romance, Sleepless in Seattle and the poignant legal drama, Philadelphia. He would follow those up in 1994 with Forrest Gump and Apollo 13, krazy-gluing his name to the dramatic roles and epic biopics that would turn him into an icon. But in the decade leading up to those monumental dramas, Hanks starred in 15 films, 11 of which were comedies.

I feel there is something profoundly fitting in this fact, that one of Hollywood’s most recognizable dramatic actors got his start playing comedic roles. In retrospect, many of these films seem rather cringeworthy today (like 1985s Volunteers). A few of them are blush-inducing (like 1984s Bachelor Party). And almost none of them have aged especially well. Dragnet (1987) trades primarily on juvenile sexual humor; The Bonfire of the Vanities (1990) is almost unwatchable in the era of Black Lives Matter; and the plot of Big (1988), when you dissect it, has all sorts of creepy implications that are probably best left unmentioned.

What is fascinating about this body of work in total, however, is the way the development of Hanks’s career reflects the trajectory of cultural sensibilities from the 80s to the present time. Inasmuch the 80s, as a decade, was emerging from the sexual liberation and drug experimentation that shook American culture in the 60s and 70s, it was, in many ways, a decade of hedonistic abandonment and easy joviality. The Vietnamese war had ended, the era of the personal computer was dawning, and the possibilities, it seemed were endless. Comedies in the 80s were willing to laugh at male sexcapades that today we would frown upon (I think rightly) as misogynistic; they were willing to make jokes about ethnic differences between people that today would be censured (again, I think rightly) as xenophobic.

The era of the 80s matured into the brooding, grungy 90s, of course, with its burgeoning social consciousness and its rejection of the glam, the glitz and the glare of the 80s aesthetic. Then, in the 2000s we faced the Y2K scare, the horrors of 9/11, the Gulf War, the War on Terror, and the first tangible, unignorable signs that the climate disaster they’d been warning us about for years might really be upon us.

Then came: #MeToo, BLM, Covid-19, I Can’t Breathe, MAGA, January 1st.

Some 40 years after Tom Hanks first starred as the star-struck lover in Splash! it almost seems quaintly naïf, the ease with which that film, back then, makes jokes about a prebuescent boy trying to sneak a peak at some women’s panties (per the opening scene of the film). And it would seem quaint, perhaps, if it didn’t also seem so grimly misogynistic and objectifying.

What is interesting, though, is that even as American culture was forming its conscience over these last four decades, Tom Hanks was gradually getting out of the comedy business, and stepping into much more dramatic, socially aware, culturally responsible roles. It started small, with a movie about women who could play baseball as well as any man, then the one about the gay man who was unjustly fired from his job, then the one about the band of duty-bound soldiers trying to save a US private named Ryan.

I find Hanks's filmmaking trajectory especially interesting because in literary terms, comedy is far more than just a story that makes you laugh. Northrop Frye, one of the 20th Century’s most respected literary critics, famously pointed out that what makes a story a comedy is the trajectory it follows, starting from a place of “old order”—structure and established tradition—descending into chaos where the old order is shaken, disrupted, and inverted—and emerging on the other side with a “new order” established, the old order subverted and done away with, and the new revealed to the great delight of all.

If Northrop Frye was on to anything with this general sketch of the comic archetype, it seems to me that Tom Hanks’ filmography follows something like a comic trajectory. It begins with the easy hedonism of the 80s—the “old order,” in which men and women had quite distinctly defined roles, so clearly defined that no one would hesitate to laugh at a joke about a man sexually mistreating a woman. In this “old order,” too, ethnic groups were easily slotted and categorized according to any number of unquestioned racial stereotypes and prejudices—so “easily,” in fact, that a film like Volunteers or The Bonfire of the Vanities could be made without anyone batting an eye.

Somewhere around the making of A League of Their Own, however, you see Hanks’s filmmaking descend into—not exactly comic chaos, necessarily, but certainly a chaotic exploration of these prejudices and assumptions, a shaking of this “old order” through a series of films that start to ask if there might be a different way to think about relationships between men and women, or people of different ethnic backgrounds, or sexual minorities.

Not that Tom Hanks’s films are marked by any distinct social consciousness. What I am describing, instead, is the growing social conscience of the culture beginning to seem into the movies he was making, as he started to take on more and more dramatic roles. Many of these later films still had strongly comic elements, certainly, but we begin to see a clear attempt to handle the comedy more responsibly, emerging in his films somewhere around 1993.

At the risk of reading far too much into the filmography of Tom Hanks, it makes me wonder what “new order” will emerge, in the coming years, from all the cultural questioning and political correcting we’ve seen over the last many decades. And if a new order does indeed emerge from chaos we’re going through, how will that, too, be reflected in the films of so prolific an actor as Tom Hanks (assuming, of course, that he is still making films when whatever it is we’re marching towards finally comes into view)?

I probably have read too much, here, into the lifework of an actor whose primary claim to fame, probably, is how truly innocuous his movies tend to be. However, at the risk of grossly over doing it, I will point out that Northrop Frye, the same critic who said that “real” comedy is about the trajectory from “old order,” through “chaos” to “new order,” he also suggested that the truest “comedy” we have is, in fact, the story told by the sacred book of the Christian faith: the Bible.

Because it describes an epic spiritual journey from an “old order” of sin and death and inevitable law, through a cross-shaped chaos to a new order—indeed, a new creation—on the other side, Frye suggested, the Bible may actually contain the most genuinely comic tale ever told.

If it's true, then perhaps Tom Hanks has unwittingly given us a small, imperfect analogy for the Good Book, in his own 4-decade-long journey from old to new order through a kind of filmmaking chaos.

In the Hands of Destiny: Spiritual Reflections on the Filmography of Tom Hanks (VI)

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One of the most intriguing movies I came across in my year-long journey through the complete filmography of Tom Hanks was 2012s Cloud Atlas. This surreal sci-fi thriller had somehow escaped my notice when it was first release over a decade ago, so I sat down to it last year with next to no expectations, save what I’d learned from the first few lines of the synopsis on Wikipedia: that it is an “epic science fiction film” with a story that “jumps between eras, spanning hundreds of years, until each storyline eventually resolves,” and that “writings from characters in prior storylines are found in future storylines,” and that “characters appear to recur in each era, but change relationships to each other.” 
I’d left off reading at that point, for fear of spoilers.

I’m not exactly sure what I had been expecting, I was completely caught off guard by the film's exquisitely structured and decidedly philosophical exploration of the interconnectedness of human life. From the harrowing journey of Adam Ewing, an American abolitionist in 1849, to the cloak-and-dagger exploits of an investigative journalist uncovering the corruption of Big Oil in 1970s San Francisco—from the poignant story of Robert Frobisher, a bisexual English composer creating his musical masterpiece in 1936, to the heartbreaking story of a humanoid clone named Somni-451, leading an uprising against her human over-lords in a dystopian Seoul, Korea in 2144—each story line is utterly distinct from one another in tone and tenor, and yet profoundly connected and intricately interwoven.

If you had the heart to trace the threads, for instance, you could see how Adam Ewing’s denouncement the 19th Century Slave Trade becomes a seed that will eventually bear the fruit of Somni-451’s revolution in Neo-Seoul, some 300 years later; or how the story of Zachry Bailey, who contacts an extraterrestrial civilization called the Prescients and so escapes a post-apocalyptic planet earth in 2321, has, as its historical impetus, the plaintive notes of Robert Frobisher’s 1936 magnum opus, “The Cloud Atlas Sextet,” which he composed almost 400 years earlier. As it weaves together these seemingly disparate stories, the film explores some profoundly metaphysical concepts, like the illusion of free will, the so-called “butterfly effect” of human action, the ephemeral nature of reality, and the meaning of history. There are even some mystical ideas with a distinctly eastern flavor, about the existence of the over-soul, the possibility of reincarnation, and the inexorable force of karma.

Although anyone of these ideas would bear a deeper discussion in a series about “spiritual reflections on the filmography of Tom Hanks,” what especially stood out to me in Cloud Atlas was the compelling questions it raises about the idea of destiny—the niggling sense we sometimes get that the course of our lives are actually being directed by forces beyond us, for purposes above us, and that the story we are living is really just a chapter in a much larger narrative that started long before us and won’t be complete until we’ve added our personal pages to the book. Whatever other questions Cloud Atlas may be asking, one of its core questions, it seems to me, is simply this: is there such a thing as “destiny” and, if so, how does it influence the course of individual lives?

Although it perhaps finds its most mystical expression in this film, the idea that one's life might be subject to the forces of "destiny" was a notion that had lingering in the background of a all sorts of Tom Hanks movies, long before Cloud Atlas hit the screen. Sleepless in Seattle wonders out loud, for instance, if there could be such a force pushing perfect strangers together until they become meant-to-be lovers. The characters in Forrest Gump find themselves unwittingly influencing the epoch-marking moments of American history in a way that could only be explained if there was some invisible hand directing them to do so. And in the final scene of Cast Away, Chuck Noland final delivers the FedEx package he had been carrying with him through his entire ordeal in a way that implies both that he was destined to receive the package and destined to deliver it when he was finally rescued.

If there were any connecting ligaments between all the movies in the Tom Hanks filmography, surely this question is one of them: Is destiny a thing, and do we, as individuals, have one?

As a Christian, I want to answer this question with a very qualified “yes”; certainly, the basic assumption of the Christian faith is that God is sovereign over his creation. Christians, of course, have arrived at a wide range of conclusions as to what God's “sovereignty” actually means, how to understand it, and how to explain it in relation to the many things that happen in the world that seem not to be God’s will. But even so, most Christians would agree in broad strokes with basic claim: that the Lord reigns (let the earth be glad). If God is sovereign, though, then in some sense we can say that he has a purpose for his Creation, and even for us his individual children. Each one of our days were written in his book, claims the Psalmist, before any of them came to be.

If there really is an unseen hand guiding the course of our lives, a Christian would say, the fingerprints of that hand must be those of the Lord God himself, and its shape is none other than the nail-pierced palm of His Son Jesus Christ.

I did, however, qualify my “yes" to the question posed by movies like Cloud Atlas. Because equally important to the biblical witness is the affirmation—a stunning affirmation, when you begin to delve its implications—that human beings actually have free will. Again: different Christians will explain this in different ways, and hold it in different kinds of tension with the Bible’s teaching on God’s sovereignty. But the idea that God created human beings with free will is embedded in the very first stories of the biblical text. Not for nothing was there a tree planted in the Garden that Adam and Eve were forbidden to eat from, and only because they had been created free did they choose to do so, having their eyes opened to the difference between good and evil.

If there is such a thing as destiny, then, the biblical witness does not portray it as some nameless, faceless, inexorable force, pushing us to conclusions we simply can’t avoid—ultimately, the view of destiny we find in the films of Tom Hanks is a rather pagan idea. In the Christian view, destiny is what happens when a personal, loving God works wisely and patiently with our decisions, and actions, and circumstances, moving our stories forward towards his good purposes, genuinely honoring the freedom he gave us when he brought us into the world, while still, mysteriously, and inexplicably, working all things together for the good of those who love him.

Ordinary People: Spiritual Reflections on the Filmography of Tom Hanks (V)

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One of my favorite books in the Old Testament is the Book of Ruth, that exquisite Hebrew short story tucked away between the Book of Judges and 1 Samuel. This may seem like an odd choice for me to place on a top ten list, given that more often than not Ruth is the focus of women’s Bible studies about the faithful heroines of the Bible, studies that are not primarily written with a 49-year-old male like me in mind. However, I had the opportunity to teach a Bible college course on the traditional “Five Scrolls,” the Megilloth of the Hebrew Bible (Song of Songs, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther and Ruth), and the time I spent in Ruth preparing for that study opened up this deceptively simple love story in ways I had never seen it before.

There are many reasons I’ve come to appreciate the Book of Ruth, but high among them all is the fact that the tale it tells is, in one sense, so very ordinary; one of the most ordinary stories in the Old Testament. There are no earth-moving miracles in Ruth, just supposedly “chance” encounters in unexpected places. There are no theophanic manifestations of the divine glory, just everyday people doing everyday things. There are no epic battles between opposing armies, no fascinating court intrigues, no feats of outrageous heroism or villainy.

The ordinariness of the book stands out all the more remarkably when you consider its place in the cannon. It comes right before 1 Samuel, with its glorious saga of David’s ascension to the throne, filled with prophetically summoned thunderstorms, stand-offs against giants, demonic soothsayers and more. Similarly, it comes just after the Judges, a book that lays out in graphic detail the unprecedented spiritual corruption of Israel in the days when they had no king and everyone did as they pleased. Like 1 Samuel, Judges has its fair share of miracles—divinely empowered strongmen, divinely wrought victories over heathen invaders, divinely orchestrated encounters with heavenly messengers, and so on.

In contrast to all this, however, in Ruth we have a faithful widow who sticks by her mother-in-law during a famine, who travels with her to the village of Bethlehem, who wins the heart of a well-off local farmer, who secures his hand in marriage, and who (as the dramatic conclusion to these exciting events) has a baby.

It’s barely dramatic enough to warrant a Hallmark Movie, though it is told with such theological sophistication that millennia of readers have been blessed and intrigued by it.

The book makes many important theological points, points about the sovereignty of God in the midst of loss and grief, points about the Lord’s hidden but inexorable work to bring Messiah into the world, points about the call to live obediently in step with Torah as a response to the widespread moral degeneracy and spiritual corruption of the world. There is one point that stands out among all these points, though, and artfully unifies them all: that God is powerfully present in the ordinary stuff of life. Everyday acts of living well, simple gestures of hospitality, commonplace encounters in ordinary places—these are often the circumstances where God is most vividly evident and most mysteriously at work.

This is a blog series on the filmography of Tom Hanks, though, not a post about Old Testament heroes of the Faith. The reason I’m unpacking this particular theme from Ruth, though—that God is often most evident in the most ordinary stuff of life—is because it brushes up against, and illuminates, a theme that I see often expressed in the films of Tom Hanks.

When you watch the actor’s whole life’s work, you begin to notice how ordinary so many of his characters are, or at least how everyday the circumstances are that begin their story, even if the story that unfolds in any particular film is far from ordinary, when it’s all said and done.

Joe vs. the Volcano starts with the phrase, “Once upon a time there was a guy named Joe, who had a very lousy job,” inviting viewers to understand that the film they are about to see is really just the story of an “ordinary Joe.”

In Saving Private Ryan, Captain Miller’s men have a running bet, trying to guess what Miller did as a civilian before the war. Given that he is a recipient of the congressional medal of honor, most assume he must have some dramatic back story—Reiben speculates that he was “assembled at O.C.S. out of spare body parts from dead G. I.s.” To their no small surprise, they find out towards the middle of the film that he was “nothing more” than an ordinary English Teacher from Addley, Pennsylvania.

In Cast Away, Chuck Noland is nothing but an ordinary FedEx systems analyst when his ordeal begins; in A Man Called Otto, the titular Otto is a merely a grumpy old man living in an ordinary gated community, who gets redeemed by the ordinary love of his neighbors; in Larry Crowne, the titular Crowne starts out his journey of personal rejuvenation as a fired Walmart employee.

Not that all of these films rank equally in caliber, of course. Joe vs. the Volcano was bizarre and Larry Crowne was mostly forgettable. What unites them, though, is the way they explore the great acts of charity, generosity, courage and resilience that ordinary people are capable of, and the oftentimes epic scope of the drama that can unfold from the centre of ordinary lives.

Tom Hanks plays his fair share of over-the-top heroes and villains, too, but one of the clearest messages I take from the totality of his films is that even the most ordinary of lives contains the stuff of epic drama. None of his films spend much time explicitly connecting this idea to anything particularly spiritual, of course, but it does not take a Christian pastor like me much effort to do so.

According to Jesus, the Kingdom of God is like tiny mustard seed planted in the earth, or a bit of yeast kneaded into dough; it's like farmers planting seed or fathers welcoming home their prodigal sons (and make no mistake, all these images would have seemed commonplace and everyday to Jesus’s First Century audience). But if it is like these things, then whatever else it is, the Kingdom of God must be something that thrives—throbs, even—in the ordinary circumstances of everyday life.

If you wanted one more parable to help you imagine what that looks like, you might consider the story of a lawyer being called on to defend a victim of unlawful dismissal (Philadelphia), the bereaved husband journeying with his son through their shared grief (Sleepless in Seattle), the inventive father trying to raise his autistic son (Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close), or any of Tom Hanks’ other ordinary characters, who discover epic events unfolding in the midst of their everyday lives.

The Banality of Goodness: Spiritual Reflections on the Filmography of Tom Hanks (IV)

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In 1961, a court reporter named Hannah Arendt covered the trial of Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem. Eichmann, of course, was the Nazi official who organized the Final Solution—the state-sponsored, systematic genocide of the Jews in Nazi Germany. Decades after the war, the Israeli intelligence agency tracked him down in Argentina and brought him to Israel to stand trial for his crimes.

In her essay “Eichmann in Jerusalem,” Hannah Arendt wrestles deeply with one of the primary questions to trouble the world in the aftermath of World War II—how was it possible for a country as civilized as Germany was in the 1930s to be responsible for so barbaric an atrocity as the Holocaust?

For instance, what stood out to Hannah Arendt at his trial was how “normal” he was; that is to say: he showed no special signs of hatred, or psychosis, or insanity. She points out that no less than six psychologists examined Eichmann, and they found no evidence of abnormal personality whatsoever. One doctor remarked that his “overall attitude towards people, especially his family and friends, was ‘highly desirable.’”

Hannah Arendt uses the term “the banality of evil” as a way of making sense of this incongruity—how a “normal, everyday guy” could be responsible for one of the most heinous crimes in all of history. The term, the “banality of evil” is her way of suggesting that that evil breeds in the everyday—in the normal—in the banal decisions we all make, or don’t make, all the time.

On his blog Experimental Theology, Richard Beck summarizes the point like this:
The argument Arendt makes ... is that evil isn't dark and deep but is, rather, thin and superficial. Evil is ordinary people thoughtlessly making a million small choices. ... The Holocaust couldn't have happened if people hadn't over time gradually consented to it, through seemingly insignificant daily choices. Laughing nervously, but without objection, to the anti-Semitic joke. Not shopping at the Jewish store. Accepting that promotion when the more qualified Jewish person was passed over. Casting a vote on election day. And so on.
I have wrestled with Arendt’s assessment of the “banality of evil” ever since I came across the concept, and from time to time I still wonder what normal, everyday activities I participate in, as a simple matter of course in a modern society, that history will look back on as evil.

The reason I’m mentioning “the banality of evil” here, in a blog series on the filmography of Tom Hanks, though, is because somewhere around the midpoint of my journey through the complete cinematographic works of Tom Hanks, I began to notice a theme that connected, in my mind, to Hannah Arendt’s work.

It was Tom Hanks penchant for playing ordinary people thrust into extraordinary circumstances, and exploring the momentous consequences of their mundane decisions to “do the right thing.” I think I noticed it first in Sleepless in Seatle, where a grieving father is thrust into the very real drama of figuring out how he will parent his motherless son well in the midst of his own loneliness and longing (never mind that he ends up with Meg Ryan at the end of the film, the premise that this journey to magical romance started out with is, sadly, about as ordinary as they come).

That was just the tiny tip of an emerging iceberg, though, because shortly afterwards he played Andrew Beckett, the corporate lawyer in Philadelphia who sues his employer after he is fired for having AIDS. Although the legal drama the unfolds quickly leaves the realm of the ordinary, beneath the surface of the story lurk all sorts of questions about standing up for what’s right, even when it costs you, for choosing not to discriminate even though it’s easier to let stereotypes and prejudices do the thinking for you, and discovering the shared humanity in “the other.” These are, of course, ordinary decisions we are all faced with every day in our profoundly polarized world.

The iceberg came into clear focus in his next outing, though, because in 1994, he starred as Forrest Gump, the character that made Tom Hanks both a household name and a Hollywood A-lister. The story probably needs little re-cap, but just recall how Hanks’s portrayal of Forrest—who is, by his own admission, “not a smart man”—emphasizes simple things like commitment to ones friends, and devotion to one’s beloved, determined loyalty, artless honesty, simply “knowing what love is.” And then connect those mundane virtues to the epoch-making moments of American history that Forrest found himself thrust into, as a result of them.

If Hannah Arendt observed at Eichmann’s trial that incomprehensible evil emerges out of the ordinary, everyday decisions we make, all the time, that we won’t do the right thing, Tom Hanks’s films, it seems, offers the other side of that argument; that world-shaping goodness emerges out of all the ordinary moments we decide that we will.

Using Arendt’s language, we might say that the Tom Hanks filmography, taken as a whole, makes a case for the banality of goodness. Because after Forrest Gump, this theme becomes a bit of a central preoccupation in Hanks’s movies—the World War II sergeant who does his duty faithfully in Saving Private Ryan— the prison warden who treats an accused sex-offender kindly, in The Green Mile—the politician who decides to give up his life of philandering and take up the cause of the oppressed in Charlie Wilson’s War. There’s also Ben Bradlee’s intractable commitment to reporting the truth in The Post, and James Donovan’s determination to give a Soviet a fair trail, despite the cost to his reputation, in Bridge of Spies. And don’t get me started on Mr. Rogers.

Among other things, what binds all these characters together are the simple decisions they face to do right instead of wrong; though often they very quickly cease to be simple, these decisions bring into being a goodness that often grows to monumental proportions, with world-changing stakes.

This is a Christian assessment of Tom Hanks’s movies, of course, so, having pointed out the “banality of goodness” that his work often illustrates, let me simply recall that Jesus himself taught something very similar—that the least would turn out, in the final analysis, to be the greatest, and the those who were faithful in the small things would be faithful in the big. Perhaps, among other things, our Lord had in mind the truth about the banality of goodness—that it thrived, actually, in the small, the mundane, the ordinary—when he said this.